More Reliable Road


Tabitha is a single mom raising two teenagers. While she works part time and is taking care of her kids, she has lived in constant fear of her car breaking down. That’s when Tabitha sought the help of Maintenance for Moms. Her vehicle had gotten in an accident which had caused continuous extreme wear on her tires.  Although she had taken her car in to replace the tires, it did not resolve the issues. 

After inspection, we discovered that the tire issue was more serious and required more money than what it was worth. It was not safe or reliable. We were heartbroken for Tabitha and wanted to help. We saw that she had taken steps to break harmful patterns in her life and made an effort to finish her degree. We believe she was the perfect candidate for a new car. 

Receiving a new car lifted a huge burden from her and has significantly eased her stress level. Tabitha wrote to our staff, “The car is amazing, I’ve gotten so many compliments on it already! I can never thank you or your team enough for this amazing gift!! It’s been a very rough year with quite a few highs and lows…I know it won’t be an easy road ahead of me but it will be a reliable one now. That’s the best feeling ever!” 

Thank you to all those who support Maintenance for Moms financially, prayerfully and by giving your time. It is because of you that we are able to help moms move forward on a more reliable road.

Kathryn Grazian