Partner with Maintenance for Moms


This Mother's Day we want to partner with you to help raise funds for our Resource bags for our clients. Our single moms are often overlooked and under-appreciated. Without support of a partner many times Mother's Day goes by without so much as a thank you. At Maintenance for Moms we want more than anything for our moms to know that they are SEEN and LOVED. Help us change the feeling of being forgotten that is so pervasive with our clients (and many other moms). 

You have an opportunity to show appreciation and care for single moms through a generous donation to our Mother's Day Fundraiser. $65 allows us to purchase a gas gift card, a coffee gift card, some car essentials, resources and encouragement through life-giving books. Our goal is to be able to provide this to 70 moms.

Please help us raise $4,500 to love on our moms this Year!