Doing What's Best


Doing what is BEST is often not what is EASIEST. This statement has proven incredibly true for our client Jenny. After leaving her home at 17 and moving in with a boyfriend, then enduring years of domestic violence from him - Jenny finally chose to leave. When she left she was pregnant and had her 19 month old in tow. Although this wasn’t easy to head out on her own she knew it was best for her and their kids. 

For the past few years she has been pursuing her degree in accounting from San Jose State and after taking a break to have her baby (he was only 3 weeks old when we interviewed) she is heading back to school this Fall to finish up and start an Accounting job. This is why reliable transportation has become a huge need in her life. After housing and food and other basic bills there isn’t much left to afford car repairs, especially anything large. Jenny is pursuing all the right things to make a safe and good life for her children. We are so thankful that Maintenance for Moms could step in and help her feel safe on her journey to new and great places. 

Listen to Jenny’s Story in her own words: “When I came to Maintenance for Moms, I was going through a hard time. I was going through a separation and had to start from scratch. I hadn’t worked in years but now being a single mom of two I had to make ends meet. My vehicle was in no shape to be driven as it was overheating. Money was so tight I knew I couldn’t afford to fix it but I also needed to get around as I had found a job. I actually came across Maintenance for Moms through a moms support group. I wasn’t sure if I’d be approved but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. When I came in for my appointment Kathryn was so nice and welcoming. Maintenance for Moms turned out to be more than just getting my vehicle fixed. It was an extra support system during my hard times. I am extremely grateful that I have a vehicle that is safely drivable not just for me but for my children. Thank you for everything that you do Maintenance for Moms team!”

Kathryn Grazian