From Ashes

Abuse and harassment from an Ex left Niccola without a job or place to live. She was living out of a car she purchased from a “friend” and crashing on couches with all her belongings in storage. She came to us as her car no longer started just a month after purchasing. We took it for inspection, to discover it had been in an accident and was severely damaged internally. She had been sold a damaged car and now there was nothing we could do to help her car be repaired. 

MFM felt moved to purchase Nikki a new car. We got to present it to her and her daughter at the end of August - 2 days before she was planning to move to the Placerville area to live with and help her oldest daughter take care of her kids. It was such a time of joy and excitement for new beginnings.

Little did we know that 3 days later, the fires in Northern, CA would completely destroy her elder daughters home and the school her 10 year old daughter was to enroll in. This tragedy has been overwhelming but the beauty in it is that she has a car to stay in as she looks for housing. Even in the unimaginable season of tragedy God has met her family with goodness and provided the gift of this car so that she can have a roof as she awaits housing opportunities. 

Nikki says, “I’m truly thankful for you and everything you’ve done. My mom always said God will never put more on you than what you can’t handle. I appreciate your prayers.”

Kathryn Grazian